Q: How can a guest check the estimated waiting time or position in the queue?
A: Guest can open link in their text message sent at the time of guest getting added to the waitlist. The waitlist link will show a live waitlist wait time and give option to the user to update their details.
Q: How can a guest change party info (adding/removing people)?
A: The waitlist link allows guest to update the guest count.
Q: Guest changed their mind and wants to delete themselves from the list.
A: The waitlist link will allow guest to remove themselves from the list.
Q: As a guest, when they click on the waitlist link, they can see: "The requested guest doesn't exist anymore". Why is that?
A: There are two possibilities: 1) Guest may have removed themselves from the list; 2) Guest may have been deleted from the list by the business owners after few tries of reaching out to the guest.