Self Check-in

  • Enable Guest Mode upon login and that's all you need to get started!

  • Guests can check themselves at a check-in station at your restaurant. 

  • Before they check themselves in, they are able to see the number being served and what is the estimated wait time. 

  • The estimated wait time is based on the time set in the Waitlist dashboard.

  • Upon clicking the "Press here to check-in" button, guests can then get started by entering their phone number. 

  • They are also given an option to either opt-in or opt-out for special promotions and loyalty programs. 
    Please Note - at this time, texts related to guest's reservations are sent to the phone number provided by them regardless of selecting or not selecting the checkbox shown below:

  • Guests can then type in their name (If they have used the system before, their name will be populated automatically)

  • Guests can then put in the count of total members that are dining in along with any special requests if they have.

If in Waitlist Settings, adult and children count is selected to show separately, it would show like this, else it would just ask the guest to input the total number of people:

  • Guests can next select where they heard about your business and those choices are also shown to the guests based on what you have added in the Waitlist Settings. 
  • They also see their number in the waiting list along with the estimated wait time.